"Summer Wind"
Memories on a summer breeze, a cool mist on a summer night, the summer wind that seemed upon her neck to be so light. (36"H 27"W 36"D) Dedicated to Natalie and Nicole Castelluccio

"Luciano Pavarotti" (scene from "Il Pagliacci") coming in Bronze! 10/2019


"Genesis" (The First Temptation - 30" H)

Hannibal -"Victory at Cannae" 6ft-one of a kind-

"Carthaginian General Hannibal Barca" (The Battle at Cannae - 44"H)

"Nympheum" (14" H 23" W)

"The Rape of the Sabine Women"

"The Rape of the Sabine Women"
"Lady Liberty Summons Justice to Weigh the Price of Peace" Bronze photos in May.2019

The First Task of Hercules-20" Height -Bronze - Edition of 20
The First Task of Heracles-alternate view

The First Task of Heracles -alternate view
